In thinking about this case and the way that KFI has worked in collusion with the US Justice system from the start, there are a series of questions that need to be asked of those involved. These are questions that Joe Griesedieck, current Vice Chairman, Managing Director – Global Board and CEO Services for KFI should be prepared to answer:
- What were you told by Paul Reilly at the time you were hired into KFI, as to what your and Bob Damon’s roles would be as it related to what you wanted to accomplish with David Nosal?
- Why, in your first meeting with Mr. Nosal, did you allege that he was underselling KFI’s Board search services?
- Do you recall in the same conversation with Mr. Nosal, when he brought one of his executive assistants over to that meeting where you alleged he was underselling KFI’s services, and showed you the Board contracts for work that he won at Korn/Ferry over Spencer Stuart on a full fee basis (no discounting) and you still felt obligated to attack his credibility?
- What was Paul Reilly’s contractual commitment to make you the Head of the CEO practice, and to the best of your knowledge, was Mr. Nosal aware of this prior to your arrival at KFI?
- What is your knowledge of Bob Damon’s behavior at Spencer Stuart, were any complaints filed against him during the time you two worked together?
- Please comment on your knowledge of Mr. Damon’s computer being full of porn as early as 2004 during his early days at KRI, and what (if anything) you, Reilly, Burnison and Dunn did to investigate?
- Why did KFI not act on Mr. Damon’s involvement with porn until after Mr. Nosal’s trial?
- Why did you feel it was ethical and legal to distribute the Spencer Stuart Board Bible to KFI Operating Committee when you and Mr. Damon joined KFI?
- You alleged that one of your assistants inadvertently brought the Board Bible with her, but yet somehow, it managed to find its way into the hands of a number of individuals at Korn/Ferry. If this assistant were to be subpoenaed, do you believe that she will take responsibility for stealing this document and then distributing it to others?
- Can you please comment on KFI’s willingness to hire Dennis Carey to help drive the CEO strategy for KFI, when all indications were that he was being pushed out of Spencer Stuart for his unethical behavior with a junior associate?
- Can you please provide your insights as to why Richard Spitz was never disciplined/terminated for numerous instances of unethical behavior at KFI, and why KFI did not take action against him until many years after Mr. Nosal left KFI?
- What was your involvement in recruiting Francois Truc to KFI with his associate, and what was your knowledge of the proprietary information that he not only stole from Spencer Stuart, but wiped clean from the Spencer Stuart database?
- Is it your belief that KFI typically allows unethical behavior like Truc’s to exist within KFI? If not why did KFI not pull the plug instead of hiring him once they knew of Truc and his associate’s behavior?
- Were you aware of the racial comments that Bob Damon made to Mr. Nosal regarding an Asian-American KFI partner? If you were, why did you not take action against Damon immediately?
- Are you aware of all of the cases that have been settled behind the scenes by KFI with either previous employees or companies? In your position as Vice Chairman, had you instructed KFI’s General Counsel to disclose all of this information to both the KFI Board and the SEC?
- Are you aware that there is at least one witness who will come forward publicly to substantiate that you and Bob Damon asked them to upload specific information that you brought from Spencer Stuart into KFI’s database? What information did that include?
Please see also: